About the Library
The Pathways Resource Library is a compilation of education-to-career research and tools from a variety of sources across the field. It also includes a directory of organizations working to ensure that all learners have the opportunity to thrive through education-to-career pathways.
The Pathways and Workforce Funders Group developed this as the first step toward developing a more cohesive, aspirational message, targeted to the needs and strengths of four main audiences in the pathways ecosystem. By sharing information and resources, together we can ensure that all learners can obtain the credentials, agency, professional skills, and social capital to thrive.
The library is organized by four main audiences in the pathways ecosystem:
- Learners
- Families
- Educators
- Employers
In addition, resources can be searched by type, keyword, source organization, and region. By cross-referencing and tagging each resource, you will be able to efficiently identify those most relevant to your needs.
By creating an account, you can access resources, save the most relevant to your work, and stay informed about new resources being added to the library.
About the Pathways and Workforce Funders Group
The Pathways and Workforce Funder Group (PWF) is a group of national education-to-workforce pathways funders. Our goal is to ensure that all learners can obtain the credentials, agency, professional skills and social capital to thrive in a career earning a family-sustaining wage. Achieving this vision requires a fundamental shift in how K-12 and post-secondary systems are structured, along with a change in mindsets among key stakeholders.
Narrative change strategies will be a critical lever to accomplish this shift. We are dedicated to learning from each other and field leaders about the most pressing opportunities and challenges in the pathways ecosystem and how to overcome them.